Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chevron Couch Craziness

When I moved into my apartment in Fort Worth my parents gave me their old white couch. This couch had been in the formal dining room and had a few stains on it but overall was in good shape. Well… 2 years and 2 puppies later the couch was still in good shape but had quiet a few more stains than it started with so I decided it was time for a couch makeover. In case you missed the memo, chevron is in… and I am OBSESSED. So when I started brainstorming fabric to use for my couch overhaul it was no question that I had to have some chevron. I first went to JoAnn’s thinking that surely with their HUGE fabric selection I would be able to find something. After wandering aisle after aisle I was unable to find ANY chevron. Just when I was feeling down in the dumps and thinking that I might have to resort to plan B, Logan, seeing my pitiful poutiness, suggested trying Hobby Lobby. As soon as I set foot in the Hobby Lobby fabric section I saw it… the PERFECT gray chevron. My heart immediately swelled with excitement (I told you I love chevron that much).  We bought all 5 yards that they had in the chevron and 5 more yards of a slate gray fabric for the cushions. I also purchased a cheap staple gun and staples. I already had a hot glue gun at home but that came in handy during this project. We started with the base of the couch. We stapled and glued the chevron to the couch… taking hints from where it was already stapled and sewn. We used a hammer to hammer down the staples and make sure they weren't poking out anywhere. 

A beauty in the making!

One hour after starting with a white couch with had a beautiful chevron creation! The cushions were somewhat more difficult. I ended up cutting the old upholstered cushions off, using them as a pattern to cut the gray fabric and then hot gluing them. If I knew how to sew or had a sewing machine I would have given it a shot. I am pretty sure cushions are one of the easiest things in the world to sew but… I made due with what I had! 
My hot glue job... not so pretty!

We made another trip back to Hobby Lobby to get a cream colored braided fabric that I used around the cushions to hide my hideous hot glue job… but honestly I am happy with how they turned out. I certainly don’t want these cushions forever and I will most likely end up having some made next time I redo the couch..but for my very limited budget they are perfect! I cannot wait to see how they look in my new bedroom. 

The finished product... all ready for the new apartment!

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