Monday, May 20, 2013

Tacoma again

I had such a great time being with my Tacoma Rainier! Here are some pics from my very fun but very quick trip! (In case you can't tell from my attire- the weather was MUCH better this time I visited!)

The "Christmas trees" I spoke of!

Logan's apartment- if you can't tell they LOVE to decorate haha NOT!

Haleigh Shea Thompson!

A few weeks ago my entire family make the five hour drive down to Lubbock for my cousin Haleigh's wedding.

The festivities started with the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner on Friday April 19th. The rehearsal dinner was held at a windmill museum in Lubbock. My family had a blast looking at all the incredible windmills, taking in the sights, catching up and laughing, but of course there was one thing missing on this incredible occasion...and that was my papa. He loved windmills. I remember going to visit him when he was a principal at Hyer Elementary and Highland park. His office was always full of windmill decorations and I had so much fun exploring each and every single one of them. He would have really enjoyed that windmill museum. Being surrounded by windmills and all of my amazing family members really made me feel as though he was there with us in spirit.

We had a blast at the rehearsal dinner and enjoyed some delish BBQ before heading back to the hotel to celebrate with the bridal party. I just love spending time with my incredible cousins. We had so much fun being together. We all instantly become giggle boxes when we get around one another and reminisce about our younger years.

Of course I was carefully tracking Logan's game on night (#milbGFprobz) and when he went in to pitch the last inning of a super close game you better believe I whipped my iPad out at the hotel bar to watch him! No shame at all! Haha I have found it is just as stressful to watch the game on tv as it is to be there. Luckily Logan did awesome and led the Rainiers to victory!

 The last single girl kiss!
Haleigh's bridesmaid luncheon was put on by her aunts... and man does she have some awesome aunts! It was just beautiful and the food was incredible. They used china from each of Haleigh's grandmas (Net Net, Grandma Fran and Granny) and they wrote the most precious poem about it. Although Net Net and Grandma Fran weren't there physically it certainly felt like they were there with us and watching from above as we enjoyed all of Hal's wedding festivities.


All of the cousins!
Me and Rei had a BALL doing everyone's hair and make up for the wedding. It turned out perfect and I have to say Hal had one of the best looking bridal parties that I have ever seen. Her day went off without a hitch (well it was a little windy) but at the end of the day the wedding was just perfect and beautiful and EVERYONE had a blast!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Class of 2013... wait... Reilly is almost a graduate?!?

So whether I like it or not my little sister is about to graduate. Sometimes I look at her and still see my little smiley Reilly and other times I look at her and she is just so beautiful and grown up and it absolutely amazes me how fast time has flown by. To celebrate her upcoming graduation Reilly and two of her friends (Montana and Ari) and planning a graduation party at Company Cafe on the Katy Trail in Uptown. Of course, me being the little party planner that I am, I have pretty much just taken over and I am dedicated to making it awesome. Seniors- prepare to have your minds blow because this will be a party like you've never seen! As with planning any party, the first step is to create an invitation. I custom designed their invitation on photoshop and then printed it through the one and only Vistaprint! I am so excited to see the finished product. I will be sure to let ya'll know how they turn out. Next I started looking for decorations... my favorite part!
A preview of the invitation for Reilly, Montana and Ari's Senior party that I  designed!

Here's a few of the ideas I have... without giving anything major away of course!

Graduating high school and going to college was one of the most amazing and also one of the most stressful times of my life. I remember being so torn as to what school I should attend. Britney Spears' "I'm not a girl not yet a woman" song comes to mind! haha I looked at the four years of college as an eternity. I can barely handle planning my upcoming week much less the next four years of my life. I prayed and prayed over my decision to go to the University of Arkansas. Those prayers were answered when I received an out of state tuition wavier as well as when I was chosen as a member of the pom squad. Up until that point I wasn't sure what God had in store for me or where He wanted to go. I spent many nights agonizing over the choice that had to be made. In retrospect all the sleepless nights and tears shed were for nothing. God always has a plan for us and if we are patient and listen He will lead us to that plan. I read a verse the other day in my devo and I think its the best possible advice I could give my sister (or anyone really) facing a big decision.

"But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."   Jeremiah 17:7-8

The imagery in this verse is just amazing. A faithful person is like a tree planted firmly by a beautiful lake.  Each day the tree continues to grow tall and strong and green. While the sun beats down and the grasses all around it are dry and parched and bend in the sweltering heat this tree grows taller and stronger.  It's branches continuously bear fruit and it provides shade for those who come to rest beneath it.  It's roots are deep, and despite adverse circumstances there is no doubt that this tree will continue to thrive as a testimony to the blessing of having deep roots.

The more I read this verse the more I realize that having deep roots and a solid faith doesn't come from making the right decision and being at the "right" school. It doesn't come from picking a college that fits your perfect check list (I believe my list had things like active greek life, fun town, shopping mall, good night life, SEC football team, a dance team... etc.) It comes from walking in faith and trusting that God will be a part of every decision that you make. What I didn't realize at the time I was trying to pick a college was that it really didn't matter where I went to school. What truly mattered was that I had a deep rooted faith because it was that faith (not my sorority, not being a pom girl, and not going out with friends) that would get me through the hard times and make whatever school I attended enjoyable. 

College is a time of your life that is full of growth, change, and new experiences.I was in a new town with all new people. Everything was new to me. At first the new is exciting and then that wears off and you long for the things you know and that are familiar.  One of the biggest challenges for me was being 5 hours away from my family. I constantly missed them and was homesick. There were times I wanted to jump in my car and drive 5 hours just to get a hug from my mom (and I might have once or twice but who is really counting?!). 

A person who has truly deep roots is the person whose confidence is in God.  The person who trusts God is the one whose leaves never wither and who always bears fruit. No matter where you chose to go to college, you will be successful and happy because your confidence is in the Lord and you are faithful that He will provide. 

As I was writing this blog I realized just how applicable these words are to my life right now. As I take on two new jobs and navigate how to handle new bosses, attract clients and not lose my mind in the process, I realize just how incredibly important it is to fall back on my "roots" of faith. I have to continue to trust in the Lord and have confidence in Him, not in myself. I sometimes worry that I may not be able to meet my personal goals and that I may not be able to handle a task at the office as I should. If I solely rely on myself I will fail... time and time again. Now more than ever these roots are tested. Just as a tree with deep roots stands tall and strong during a long drought, I too will stand tall and strong during trying times. Somedays when I feel like the world might just crash in around me I stop and say a prayer and God finds some small way to show me that I am right where He wants me and He is using me to bring honor and glory to Him! 

Wherever you are in your life, whatever trying times or amazing blessings you are faced with I hope you keep your roots firmly planted in the Lord and I hope these words find you and touch your heart if they are meant to!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lessons Learned from a four pound fur ball

Today's blog is dedicated to my sweet, precious, cuddly 5 year old Yorkie, Elle.

Elle came into my life when I was a sophomore in college and she was the most timid and shy little pup I had ever met. It honestly beats me as to what it was that possessed me to get a dog in the first place, but Elle came into my life and ignited a great love for pups that will forever be a part of me. Everything I need to know in life I can honestly say that I have learned from Elle.
As a dedication to her on her 5th birthday I am going to share some of the lessons I have learned from my best little friend (no I do not pick favorites... Emma is my little best friend so that is different than best little friend and they each have their own respective titles haha).

1- There is ALWAYS time to cuddle

Since Elle Belle was a pup she has been the ultimate cuddler. It doesn't matter where we are... in a car, on the couch, in bed, in a chair, at a restaurant... Elle will find a way to cuddle when she wants to. If she had her way I would tote her around like an accessory 24/7. If I move her from her comfy cuddle spot it will be a matter of minutes until she nudges and nestles her way back into a little cocoon. She is a constant reminder that no matter how busy I am there are always a few minutes to squeeze in a little time with the ones I love most. I have come home on lunch breaks before just to get a good little cuddle in with my girl. I truly believe Elle has healing powers in that when I am sick she is usually the only one who can heal me with her cuddles. She has helped me recover from numerous surgeries, positive strep tests, and colds.

2- You can tell a lot about a person by how they smell

Although it sometimes annoys the crud out of me, Elle is CONSTANTLY smelling everything everywhere we go. I guess it is just dog nature but there's also a good lesson in it. If something (or someone) smells bad or fishy... they probably are. Trust your gut and follow your instincts. I can tell you from our daily walks that this chick knows her smells and trusts her nose. When she smells something weird she either goes straight towards it or directly away from it. When it all comes down to it, you really can tell a lot about a person by how they smell. Hope you wore your deodorant today!

3- Take time to enjoy the sweet things in life

There's nothing as adorable as watching Elle savor each and every single bite of a bone. I buy the smallest bones I can find and it still takes her two days to finish them. She takes her time and savors the good things that she enjoys the most. We can all take a cue from her lead and take more time with the things and the people that make us the happiest.

4- Unconditional love is the greatest gift

My little dids has been there through so many ups and downs and highs and lows. Every single day that I come home is a good day for her. Without fail she is in her pen with Ems wagging her tail in excitement and anxiously waiting for me to let her out so she can lick me and get her ears rubbed. There's just no better feeling than coming home to someone who is so excited to see you. As a friend, mother, daughter, wife, etc I want to be that person that people look forward to coming to see. I want my loved ones to think of me as the one who loves them unconditionally and who will always be excited to see them no matter what! It doesn't matter how good or bad my day has been, when I walk through the door and I am greeted by E & E it is instantly a good day and I can't help but smile. Love is the greatest gift you can give and you have an unlimited supply. Dish it out... in HUGE servings... Because you will never run out!

5- One play session a day keeps the doctor away

Whether it's a long walk around our neighborhood, a jog on the Katy trail, or just a good ole fashioned game of fetch, Elle always gets in some activity in her daily routine. She absolutely loves chasing down tennis balls and battling her sister to see who emerges as the winner winner chicken dinner. She stays fit and healthy by running...and let me tell you, home girl runs 3 miles like it's nothing! She absolutely loves to run and get in some exercise. (Bonus for me- I get a good workout in and she sleeps like a baby). Never be too busy to exercise. I think we are all guilty of this but I want to be as spry as ole dids is when I am 36 years old so I need to be better about staying active. 80 year old me will thank 24 year old me one day!

And one to grow on...

6. Mistakes happen

What can I say... when you have a bladder the size of a peanut mistakes are going to happen. Elle has helped me realize that patience is key and those little doo doos that occasionally appear in the house (normally after I have spent the whole day cleaning or we have guests) aren't the end of the world. Crap happens (sometimes literally)...learn how to pick it up and move on! Life's too short to focus on the poop!!!

Happy birthday Elle! I'm so blessed to be your mom! 

Here's to many more years and many more lessons!

Please help my friend Megan out! While shooting her bridals she misplaced her fiance's 1999 Texas A&M Football Helmet. It has a lot of sentimental value to him and if you know anything about its whereabouts please help her get it back! She will pay a reward for its return! Check out the Facebook page here. Thanks friends!!!